About Me  

Kevin Homan

 Technical Account Manager || Automater of Things || Track Day Enthusiast || Husband and Father 

Hello there! My name is Kevin Homan. I am a Jedi Knight Technical Account Manager perfecting the art of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). My primary tool of choice is CloudFormation, but I'm in the process of teaching myself Terraform  and the Cloud Development Kit (CDK)  as well. Additionally, I help guide my customers on their journey from the on-prem world into the cloud by designing and validating modern and cost-effective cloud solutions.

In my spare time, I am a Freemason, track-day enthusiast and driver of fast cars on track, husband and father.

Check out my projects to see what I've been up to! Or check out my blog to see what's recently caught my eye!

Here are a couple of books from my reading list:
Here are a couple of shows from my watch list:
Here are a couple of movies from my watch list:

...waaaay too many to list.